May 6, 2013
Bridges: Domestic & Sexual Violence Support Services
To protect the critical life needs of women and children staying at Janice
Amount Awarded:
May 6, 2013
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation
To deepen national and regional New England media understanding of the intricate and dynamic world of medicine and health care, with an emphasis on the overall health system and special problems facing low-income and uninsured individuals and families.
Amount Awarded:
May 6, 2013
University of New Hampshire
To develop an interactive web resource and public engagement process to provide New Hampshire policymakers, stakeholders, and the public with actionable data and information that will catalyze public conversation and lead to identifying and addressing New Hampshire
Amount Awarded:
May 6, 2013
Manchester Community Health Center
To enhance the capacity of Manchester Community Health Center to serve as a Center of Excellence for Culturally Effective Care, by increasing 1) in-depth knowledge of root causes of health disparities and the current field of research, 2) understanding of cutting edge quality improvement strategies identifying and addressing disparities and 3) leadership skills to implement strategies to transform MCHC and other organizations.
Amount Awarded:
March 18, 2013
Community Health Institute/JSI Research & Training
To advance a coordinated and integrated approach to disease prevention and health promotion statewide in the State Health Improvement Plan by engaging multi-sector and regional partners in a strategic planning process and the Healthy Community Coalitions Summit.
Amount Awarded:
March 18, 2013
The Hitchcock Foundation
To educate doctors, nurses, and other perinatal care providers about the culture of poverty so that they may better meet the needs of impoverished mothers as they prepare for and go through childbirth.
Amount Awarded:
March 18, 2013
Foundation for Healthy Communities
To work in collaboration with partners to promote healthy people in healthy places throughout New Hampshire by expanding the HEAL network, building convergence among partners, using targeted messaging, ensuring financial sustainability and using best practices.
Amount Awarded:
March 18, 2013
Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire (BCNH)
To improve access to health and human services for Bhutanese women and to increase their representation in leadership positions in the community by engaging women in a participatory planning process and leadership development sessions.
Amount Awarded:
January 4, 2013
Tri County Community Action Program, Inc.
To ensure the Tri-County CAP Agency is sustained by working with the Special Trustee appointed by the NH Charitable Trust Unit and others.
Amount Awarded:
December 17, 2012
University of New Hampshire
To develop and secure resources to implement the Child Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) model in NH by building a network of pediatric primary care practices and stakeholders, and by developing an operational plan to address a child health improvement priority identified by the network.
Amount Awarded:
December 17, 2012
New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits
To maintain and leverage the NH Center for Nonprofits
Amount Awarded:
December 17, 2012
Mainely Girls
To increase early identification and reduce the acuity of eating disorders in NH children and adolescents by planning to 1) create a sustainable network of at least ten eating disorders treatment teams strategically located statewide, and 2) educate school personnel to recognize symptoms of eating disorders and refer students for assessment by trained medical providers.
Amount Awarded: